The new Buick Regal CXL Turbo sedan, driven for this week's column, is a case in point. It is stunningly attractive to look at. Fit and finish, inside and out, are top of class - even rivaling Audi and Volkswagen, the longtime masters of classy interiors. Every amenity and infotainment feature available in substantially more expensive automobiles is offered, often as standard equipment, in the Buick Regal CXT Turbo.

Self-avowed automobile "enthusiasts" tend to hold themselves above the millions of consumers whose purchase of everyday cars make their "enthusiasm" possible. They seem not to understand that most companies making exotic or driver-centric cars can do so only if they have ample income from the production and sale of mass-market automobiles. It is why Volkswagen owns Audi, why Toyota can afford Lexus. It is why Porsche is surviving largely thanks to a Cayenne SUV that can carry families.

Our "enthusiast" friends spend much time and energy - and the pun here is intended - talking about 0-to-60 times and handling as if we all drive on racetracks, or need cars capable of doing so. Automobile advertising in car-buff magazines and TV commercials too often follows the "enthusiast" lead.

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